
MillPart is a Danish company which was founded by Niels Jørgen Nielsen April 1, 2001 in Skjern. The company arose because Niels Jørgen Nielsen, with his twelve years of experience in the hydraulic industry, saw a great need for a company that was able to supply hydraulic subcomponents.

When MillPart was founded, it was a subcontractor of many different technical subcomponents. Today, we deal with our core competences: Processing of hydraulic related products, including hydraulic blocks.

MillPart has quickly evolved from being a sole proprietorship with a single machine, to be a busy workplace with many employees. In the end of 2006 MillPart moved into newly constructed, larger premises on the address: Erhvervsparken 2 in Skjern, with plenty of room for both more employees and machines.

MillPart has gone through a rapid development and is today a busy workplace with around 50 employees. Our products are in demand, order volume steadily growíng, and we keep getting new customers.

To meet the increasing demand, doubled we the number of square meters in the summer of 2008. MillParts production area is now approximately 4,000 m2, which we export hydraulic related products to 10 different countries on 4 continents.
